Living Dining Rooms Inspiration with Catchy Ideas

Living room is the very front area in our house. You need to put your best inspiration in this area to impress your guests. Putting dining room in this area is also good idea, you will get easily to serve breakfast, lunch or dinner to your guest if you want to. These pictures below will show you some living dining room decoration for your house.

White luxurious living dining room in one of the pictures below is very perfect living dining room decoration for luxurious taste. White sofa combines with wooden table and two small round tables also catchy. White dining table with chandelier is very perfect match with the sofa. Painting and mirror on luxurious wall is very catchy decoration.

Modern living dining room is also appeared in the picture below. Wide area living dining room with wooden accommodations and material is very catchy. Those decoration combines with open air area with natural view also veranda. This kind of living dining room will help you to serve many guests or family member and create a party in this place.

Living dining room in apartment is also good idea, because you can economize your apartment area.  Wooden dining table and living table with the same color and material with the floor is very great model. Grey sofa and dining chairs with same material is also great. Pendant lamp and flower on the dining table will make good decoration.  


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